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About ESIC
The 5th ESIC – Educational Sciences International Conference 2022
“Strengthening Education to Build a Stronger Civilization”
Conference Date: 15 -16 October 2022
Call for Paper! Deadline 30 September 2022
Please read the requirement first before you submit your abstract. You can scroll down to read more details about the field of the study.
Field of the Study
The aim of this Conference is to bring together leading academician, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of education in general, teacher professional development, technology in education, teaching media, teaching language and literature, gender in education as well as higher education management related areas
+ Language
+ Comparative Education
+ Science Education
+ Literature Education
+ Mastery Learning
+ Secondary Education
+ Educational Technology
+ Educational Psychology
+ Curriculum and Instruction
+ Educational Philosophy
+ Critical Pedagogy
+ Physical Education
+ Elementary Education
+ Alternative Education
+ Distance Education
+ Early Childhood Education
+ Learning Assessment and Evaluation
+ Higher Education
+ Education Policy
Registration Fee
+ Registration fee is non-refundable
+ Publication fee is not included
+ Certificate will only be given to those who present at the event
+ Lecturer | IDR 750,000
+ Student | IDR 250,000
+ Presenter | $50
+ Participant | $10
+ General Participant | IDR 50,000
+ FKIP Unmul’s Student | Free*
*Limited seats
Our Speakers

Associate Professor Dr. Chatree Faikhamtac
Kasetsart University, Thailand

Prof. Dr. Mohd. Saleh Bin Aman
Universitas of Malaya, Malaysia

Prof. Dr. H. Sunaryo Kartadinata, M.Pd.
Indonesian Embassy for Uzbekistan

Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd.
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. H. Rusli Lutan
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Dr. H. Budi Rahardjo, MS
Universitas Mulawarman, Indonesia

Dr. Phil. Maria Teodora Ping, M.Sc.
Universitas Mulawarman, Indonesia